
Keira D.

"I came to IHW because I had been suffering with a multitude of health problems, such as low energy, immense stomach pain, debilitating joint pain, and an overall feeling of malaise. I just knew something was wrong because despite my bloodwork showing “normal” and my best efforts to eat well and avoid toxins in my diet and other products I used, I still felt awful and much older than I was. I was tired of guessing at what might be wrong and trying to self-diagnose when doctors were clearly missing the mark.

I was pretty hesitant to join on because everything else I have tired in the past failed and left me disappointed. However, I felt that Dr. Erikas background in traditional western medicine combined with her switch to functional medicine was a winning combo, and it was!

I have experienced a plethora of benefits, most within the first 30 days. My stomach pain disappeared very quickly, followed by the joint pain. It was amazing to live without these conditions after dealing with them for so long. My mood and overall happiness improved as well because I was not walking around in pain, feeling awful and as if I was falling apart physically.

Life is drastically different now! The best part is that I can play, really play down on the floor with my 1-year-old daughter. We have dance parties in the living room and run around our kitchen island laughing. These were things that four months ago would have felt too painful or uncomfortable to do.

This program has really helped me regain life and to feel more energized, but also more joyful. It is worth the time and cost to educate yourself in a supportive environment. Dr. Erika and Nicole are also continually improving, keeping up with changes and enhancing the program. I see some amazing things on the horizon and am so excited for others to experience the life they will regain for themselves!

Start the Healing Process Today!

Start the Healing Process Today!

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